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Plan Approval
Plan Approval
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(Bangalore Metropolitan Region Development Authority) : 

The Bangalore Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (BMRDA) and the Bengaluru Metropolitan Region (BMR) oversee planned development in Bangalore. BMRDA, established by the Karnataka government, has ensured orderly growth across Bangalore Urban, Bangalore Rural, and Ramanagara districts since 2007, covering 8,005 km². Unlike the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA), BMRDA doesn't acquire land but approves projects meeting strict guidelines for infrastructure and residential development, enhancing the city's livability. Meanwhile, BMR, formed in 1986 under the Bengaluru Metropolitan Region Development Authority Act, supervises development within the region, comprising Bengaluru Urban, Bengaluru Rural, and Ramanagaram districts, totaling approximately 8005 sq. km.

Period To Get A BMRDA Plan Approval: The time required to get a BMRDA plan approval is - 15 to 20 working days

Airport Authority NOC

Sale deed / mother deed copy
Latest Khatha 
Encumbrance certificate(2004 - Till date)
Latest tax paid receipt
ID Proof – Aadhar & Pan card

BIAAPA approved layout plan

GPS - Property location & property photos

Required Documents for BMRDA Building Plan Approval:

▪️ Airport Authority NOC

▪️ Sale deed / mother deed copy
▪️ Latest Khatha 
▪️ Encumbrance certificate(2004 - Till date)
▪️ Latest tax paid receipt
▪️ ID Proof – Aadhar & Pan card

▪️ BIAAPA approved layout plan

▪️ GPS - Property location & property photos

Required Documents for BMRDA Plan Approval:
BMRDA Function: The Planning Authority follows the rules set out in the KTCP Act of 1961. Under this law, they assess requests to change farmland, plan approval for building layouts, and issue permits to start construction on buildings.
The Towns Encompassed within the BMRDA limits:

Filling Form Manually that has been issued by BMRDA.

Designing of sanction drawing according to zoning regulations of the authority.

Making blueprints and completing applications to get applicant signatures.

Submission of applications, documents, affidavits and sanction drawings

Verification of documents, and drawings by the authority.

Issuance of demand notes/challans for payments.

Site inspection by an engineer or case worker.

Issuance of demand notes/challans for payments.

Payment of requisite fees and issuance of receipt.

Issue of building plan approval and sanction letter From BMRDA.

Anekal Planning Authority.

Hoskote Planning Authority.

Nelamangala Planning Authority.

Bangalore Bidadi Smart City Planning Authority.
Magadi  Planning Authority.

Kanakapura Planning Authority.

Vijaypura Urban Development Authority.

The Towns Encompassed within the BMRDA limits:

Zoning Regulations

Updated Master Plan

▪️ Anekal Planning Authority.

▪️ Hoskote Planning Authority.

▪️ Nelamangala Planning Authority.

▪️ Bangalore Bidadi Smart City Planning Authority.
▪️ Magadi  Planning Authority.

▪️ Kanakapura Planning Authority.

▪️ Vijaypura Urban Development Authority.

The Towns Encompassed within the BMRDA limits:

1. Filling Form Manually that has been issued by BMRDA.

2. Designing of sanction drawing according to zoning regulations of the authority.

3. Making blueprints and completing applications to get applicant signatures.

4. Submission of applications, documents, affidavits and sanction drawings

5. Verification of documents, and drawings by the authority.

6. Issuance of demand notes/challans for payments.

7. Site inspection by an engineer or case worker.

8. Issuance of demand notes/challans for payments.

9. Payment of requisite fees and issuance of receipt.

10. Issue of building plan approval and sanction letter From BMRDA.

Steps in the BMRDA Plan Approval Process

Updated Master Plan

Zoning Regulations

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